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Image by Louis (EclipX) Hansel
All Natural Bulk Food Dispensers

Sustainable Food

One of the best parts about traveling is trying new, local cuisine. Food production can lead to a lot of waste if not done properly. It is important to consider where food is sourced from and how items are packaged to limit excess waste when eating abroad. Below is a list of environmentally conscious restaurants in Rome, Salzburg, and Prague. 

Italian Deli Pasta

Le Petit Bio

â—‹ An organic, hot table restaurant with healthy, locally sourced comfort food 

Il Margutta Vegetarian Food and Art

â—‹ All food is natural, healthy and organic. They visit every company they source from to ensure sustainable production.

Casale Podere Rosa

â—‹ Traditional cuisine made with local products with short chain and 99% from organic farming.



Squash Soup


â—‹ They are dedicated to sourcing organic food without pesticides, antibiotics, preservatives, etc.


â—‹ This family-owned restaurant sources their beef from their farm, which is located just north of Salzburg.


â—‹ This restaurant is certified by Bio Austria and has a selection of organic wine, beer and lemonade


Image by Basile Bedelek

La Veranda

â—‹ Food is sourced from local farms

Country Life Vegetarian Restaurant

â—‹ CFVR owns their own 400 acre farm where they grow all their own organic produce


â—‹  They use the “whole animal” from nose to tail to cut down on food waste


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